As of Oracle Database 11g the DBMS_SQLTUNE package provides the SELECT_SQL_TRACE function. Its purpose is to load the content of a SQL trace file into a SQL tuning set. But, as it often happens, a feature can be (mis)used for another purpose. The aim of this post is to show how to take advantage of this function to display through SQL statements the content of a SQL trace file.
Note that the SELECT_SQL_TRACE function is not available in version Refer to the MOS note 790806.1 for additional information. Hence, the code shown in this post works as of only.
First of all, let’s setup the scene.
- Create the necessary database objects and gather object statistics:
SQL> CREATE TABLE t 2 AS 3 SELECT rownum AS id, rpad('*',1000,'*') AS pad 4 FROM dual 5 CONNECT BY level <= 10000 6 ORDER BY dbms_random.value; SQL> ALTER TABLE t ADD CONSTRAINT t_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); SQL> BEGIN 2 dbms_stats.gather_table_stats( 3 ownname => user, 4 tabname => 't', 5 estimate_percent => 100, 6 method_opt => 'for all columns size 1' 7 ); 8 END; 9 /
- Enable SQL trace (if you are asking yourself why I specify the PLAN_STAT parameter, have a look to this post):
SQL> execute dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable(binds => TRUE, plan_stat => 'ALL_EXECUTIONS')
- Run some queries:
SQL> EXECUTE :id := 10; SQL> SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id; COUNT(PAD) ---------- 9 SQL> EXECUTE :id := 990; SQL> SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id; COUNT(PAD) ---------- 989 SQL> SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id; COUNT(PAD) ---------- 989 SQL> EXECUTE :id := 20; SQL> SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id; COUNT(PAD) ---------- 19 SQL> SELECT sum(id) FROM t; SUM(ID) ---------- 50005000
- Disable SQL trace and retrieve the name of the SQL trace file:
SQL> execute dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable SQL> SELECT value 2 FROM v$diag_info 3 WHERE name = 'Default Trace File'; VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------- /u00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dba112/DBA112/trace/DBA112_ora_26790.trc
- Create a directory to read the SQL trace file through SQL statements
SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY trace AS '/u00/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/dba112/DBA112/trace/';
Now that we have a SQL trace file, let’s see how we can read its content with some simple queries and what kind of information we can extract.
- Retrieve a list of SQL statements executed by the current user (to exclude the recursive SQL statements executed by SYS) including their elapsed time and number of executions:
SQL> SELECT sql_id, 2 sum(elapsed_time) AS elapsed_time, 3 sum(executions) AS executions, 4 round(sum(elapsed_time)/sum(executions)) AS elapsed_time_per_execution 5 FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace( 6 directory => 'TRACE', 7 file_name => 'DBA112_ora_26790.trc', 8 select_mode => 2 -- all executions 9 )) t 10 WHERE parsing_schema_name = user 11 GROUP BY sql_id 12 ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC; SQL_ID ELAPSED_TIME EXECUTIONS ELAPSED_TIME_PER_EXECUTION ------------- ------------ ---------- -------------------------- asth1mx10aygn 249757 4 62439 6tgnxwpymddqc 4200 1 4200
- Retrieve the text of a particular SQL statement:
SQL> SELECT sql_text 2 FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace( 3 directory => 'TRACE', 4 file_name => 'DBA112_ora_26790.trc', 5 select_mode => 1 -- only first execution 6 )) t 7 WHERE sql_id = 'asth1mx10aygn'; SQL_TEXT --------------------------------------- SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id
- Retrieve more execution statistics about a particular SQL statement:
SQL> SELECT plan_hash_value, executions, fetches, elapsed_time, cpu_time, disk_reads, buffer_gets, rows_processed 2 FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace( 3 directory => 'TRACE', 4 file_name => 'DBA112_ora_26790.trc', 5 select_mode => 2 -- all executions 6 )) t 7 WHERE sql_id = 'asth1mx10aygn' 8 ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC; PLAN_HASH_VALUE EXECUTIONS FETCHES ELAPSED_TIME CPU_TIME DISK_READS BUFFER_GETS ROWS_PROCESSED --------------- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- -------------- 4294967295 1 2 129056 127981 731 992 1 4294967295 1 2 113667 112982 691 1434 1 4294967295 1 2 5993 6999 11 11 1 4294967295 1 2 1041 1000 0 21 1
- Retrieve the value of the bind variables used to execute a particular SQL statement:
SQL> SELECT elapsed_time, 2 value(b).gettypename() AS type, 3 value(b).accessnumber() AS value 4 FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace( 5 directory => 'TRACE', 6 file_name => 'DBA112_ora_26790.trc', 7 select_mode => 2 -- all executions 8 )) t, 9 table(bind_list) b 10 WHERE sql_id = 'asth1mx10aygn' 11 ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC; ELAPSED_TIME TYPE VALUE ------------ ---------- ----- 129056 SYS.NUMBER 990 113667 SYS.NUMBER 990 5993 SYS.NUMBER 10 1041 SYS.NUMBER 20
Even though everything seems fine, there is an error in the output of one of the queries. Specifically, the hash value of the execution plan is not always the right one (the same value is used for all executions). In fact, because of extended cursor sharing (a.k.a. adaptive cursor sharing) several execution plans were used. This can be confirmed by analyzing the trace file with TKPROF (or another analyzer like TVD$XTAT). In this case the TKPROF output, generated with the AGGREGATE option set to "NO" provides the following information (notice that the hash value of the third execution is different):
... SQL ID: asth1mx10aygn Plan Hash: 4270555908 SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id ... SQL ID: asth1mx10aygn Plan Hash: 4270555908 SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id ... SQL ID: asth1mx10aygn Plan Hash: 2966233522 SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id ... SQL ID: asth1mx10aygn Plan Hash: 4270555908 SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id ...
The other information that can be retrieved through the SELECT_SQL_TRACE function is the execution plan. Unfortunately, extracting it directly through the function is inconvenient. The reason is that you should do the formatting yourself. Much easier is to load the information into a SQL tuning set and, then, to use the DBMS_XPLAN package to show its content. The following example illustrates this:
SQL> DECLARE 2 c sys_refcursor; 3 BEGIN 4 dbms_sqltune.create_sqlset('TEST'); 5 OPEN c FOR 6 SELECT value(t) 7 FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sql_trace( 8 directory => 'TRACE', 9 file_name => 'DBA112_ora_26790.trc', 10 select_mode => 2 -- all executions 11 )) t; 12 dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset('TEST', c); 13 CLOSE c; 14 END; 15 / SQL> SELECT * 2 FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_sqlset( 3 sqlset_name => 'TEST', 4 sql_id => 'asth1mx10aygn' 5 )); PLAN_TABLE_OUTPUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL Tuning Set Name: TEST SQL Tuning Set Owner: CHA SQL_ID: asth1mx10aygn SQL Text: SELECT count(pad) FROM t WHERE id < :id ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Bytes | Cost | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| UNKNOWN_OBJECT_90222 | 9045 | 11 | | 3 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | UNKNOWN_OBJECT_90223 | | 2 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notice that also in this case only one execution plan is shown.
All in all, this is an interesting feature. For sure it does not replace a profiler (mainly because the wait events are not shown), but it might be useful in some situations.
Ciao Alberto
I didn’t do many tests. But, according to the following one, they are included.
For such a trace file TKPROF shows, for the PL/SQL block, an elapsed time of 0.12 seconds. However, a query based on SELECT_SQL_TRACE shows 4.04 seconds.
Do you know whether the various measures (e.g. elapsed_time) of each statement include or not the figures of the recursive statements ?
That is, using Millsap’s conventions – are they the result of sum(e) or sum(e_self) ?
Thanks in advance
Thanks Chris
ciao Chris,
Very nice abuse of a supplied function..
Wow, great stuff, can’t wait to give this a whirl and leave my kludgy perl scripts in the dust :)
[…] website. Bradd’s last note highlights tips and tricks from Christian Antognini on analysing a SQL Trace File with SQL Statements on his blog Striving for Optimal […]
[…] website. Bradd’s last note highlights tips and tricks from Christian Antognini on analysing a SQL Trace File with SQL Statements on his blog Striving for Optimal […]
[…] website. Bradd’s last note highlights tips and tricks from Christian Antognini on analysing a SQL Trace File with SQL Statements on his blog Striving for Optimal […]