I delivered two presentations entitled “How Autonomous is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse?” and “Identification of Performance Problems Without the Diagnostic Pack” at an event organized by DOUG.
Percona Live Open Source Database Conference Europe 2018
I delivered a presentation entitled “Query Optimizer – MySQL vs. PostgreSQL” at an event organized by Percona.
With my colleague Dani Schnider I delivered a presentation entitled “How Autonomous is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse?” at an event organized by SOUG.
DOAG 2018 Konferenz
I delivered two presentations entitled “How Autonomous is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse?” and “Identifying Performance Problems in a Multitenant Environment” at an event organized by DOAG. I delivered the presentation about ADW with my colleague Dani Schnider.
Trivadis Performance Days 2018
I delivered two presentations entitled “How Autonomous is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse?” and “Identifying Performance Problems in a Multitenant Environment” at an event organized by Trivadis. I delivered the presentation about ADWC with my colleague Dani Schnider.
DOAG Webinar
I delivered, in German, a webinar entitled “Oracle Database 18c - New Performance Features” and organized by DOAG.
UKOUG Tech18
I delivered two presentations entitled “How Autonomous is the Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse?” and “Identifying Performance Problems in a Multitenant Environment” at an event organized by UKOUG. I delivered the presentation about ADW with my colleague Dani Schnider. In addition, I was on the Cost Based Optimization Panel.
Voxxed Days Ticino 2018
I delivered a presentation entitled “How Well Do Relational Database Engines Support JSON?”. The aim of the presentation was to review JSON-related features provided by the most commonly used open source and commercial database engines.
I delivered a presentation entitled “Identifying Performance Problems in a Multitenant Environment” at an event organized by SOUG.
AOUG Anwenderkonferenz 2018
I delivered a presentation entitled “Oracle Database 18c – New Performance Features” at an event organized by AOUG.