In the past I gave a number of 1-day seminars about the new performance features available in Oracle Database 12c Release 1. On the 22nd of February, for the first time, I’ll give an updated version of that seminar with content about both Release 1 and Release 2. Note that because there is more content, […]
Oracle Database In-Memory Demos
In the last 14 months I delivered a dozen of presentations covering the In-Memory Column Store. During many of them, I spent most of the time showing the audience several demos. The aim of this post is to share with you the scripts and a recording (MP4) of those demos. Warning about Demos The recordings […]
Online Training Ad: Oracle Database 12c – New Performance Features
On 10 December 2015 I’ll give an online training entitled Oracle Database 12c – New Performance Features. This short post provides key information about it. Description With every new release of Oracle Database, a number of features aimed at improving performance are introduced. It goes without saying that 12.1 is no exception to the rule. […]
Ad: Trivadis DK Opening Event
Trivadis, the company I work for, just opened a new branch in Denmark (the press release, in German, is available here). On the 14th of April (09:00-15:00) takes place, in the Oracle’s office in Ballerup, the opening event. Two colleagues of mine and I will be there to deliver the following presentations: Big Data versus […]
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
After about four months without any speaking engagements, over the next three months I’ll have the opportunity to speak at several events. I’m looking forward to meet you at one of them! April 3, I’ll be in Baden-Dättwil to speak about “ASH Analytics” at an event organized by SOUG. Since this is a new presentation […]
CBO Days 2014
The company I work for, Trivadis, is very pleased to organize, on the 10th and 11th of June, an outstanding seminar with top guest speakers in Zurich. This year’s focus will be on the Oracle query optimizer, also known as a cost-based optimizer (CBO). The query optimizer is not only one of the most complex […]
Ad: CBO Days 2012 – Final Agenda
The 11th and 12th of December and, therefore, the CBO Days in Zurich are approaching. Given the high quality of the speakers that accepted my invitation and the number of people that decided to attend the event, in my opinion it will be a blast! By the way, if you are interested in attending the […]
Ad: CBO Days 2012
The company I work for, Trivadis, is very pleased to organize, the 11th and 12th of December, an outstanding seminar with top guest speakers in Zurich. This year’s focus will be on the Oracle query optimizer, also known as a cost-based optimizer (CBO). The query optimizer is not only one of the most complex pieces […]
Ad: Mastering Oracle Trace Data
This is just a short post to point out that the company I work for, Trivadis, is organizing 3 classes with Cary Millsap. The topic, as the title suggests, is Cary’s 1-day class entitled “Mastering Oracle Trace Data”. The following dates and locations are planned: September 11, 2012 – Münich (DE) September 13, 2012 – […]
Ad: The Oracle Query Optimizer 2-Day Seminar
The 31st of January and 1st of February 2012 I will present a 2-day seminar about the Oracle query optimizer in Ballerup (DK). The event is organized by Miracle A/S. The content, which is based on the chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 of my book, is the following: Chapter 1 describes the […]