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Zero-Size Unusable Indexes and the Query Optimizer

Zero-size unusable indexes and index partions is a small but useful feature of Oracle Database 11g Release 2. Simply put, its aim is to save space in the database by immediately releasing the segment associated to unusable indexes or index partitions. To illustrate this, let’s have a look to an example… Create a partitioned table, […]


As of in the package DBMS_XPLAN there is a new function: FUNCTION prepare_plan_xml_query(plan_query IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;FUNCTION prepare_plan_xml_query(plan_query IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2; Simply put, the function takes as input a query that extract information from a plan table (e.g. PLAN_TABLE or V$SQL_PLAN) and builds a query based on SQLX functions that returns the output […]