Most execution plans can be interpreted by following few basic rules (in TOP, Chapter 6, I provide such a list of rules). Nevertheless, there are some special cases. One of them is when an index scan, in addition to the access predicate, has a filter predicate applying a subquery.

The following execution plan, taken from Enterprise Manager 11.2, is an example (click on the image to increase its size):
Execution Plan

  • According to the order column the first operation being executed is the scan of the I2 index. Unfortunately this is wrong. In fact the first operation being executed is the scan of the I1 index. This is a bug in Enterprise Manager. I wanted to show you this example to demonstrate that not only for us it might be difficult to correctly interpret an execution plan ;-)
  • The filter predicate IS NOT NULL is also wrong. This is not a bug, however. It is a limitation in the current implementation. The problem is that in some cases the V$SQL_PLAN and V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL views are not able to show all the necessary details.

Without seeing the query on which this execution plan is based, it is not obvious at all to know what’s going on. So, here is the query:

WHERE n1 = 8
AND n2 IN (SELECT t2.n1 FROM t2, t3 WHERE = AND t3.n1 = 8)

Based on the query it is essential to point out that the access predicate "T2"."N1"=:B1 cannot be evaluated and, therefore, the scan of the I2 index cannot be carried out, without having a value passed through the B1 bind variable. In other words, without knowing the value of T1.N2.

To describe how this execution plan is carried out, let’s have a look to the information provided by the DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY function (which does not expose the limitation related to the filter predicate).

| Id  | Operation                      | Name |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT               |      |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN             | I1   |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                |      |
|*  5 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN          | I2   |
|*  7 |      INDEX RANGE SCAN          | I3   |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
2 - access("N1"=8)
    filter( EXISTS (SELECT /*+ LEADING ("T2" "T3") USE_NL ("T3") INDEX
           ("T3" "I3") INDEX_RS_ASC ("T2" "I2") */ 0 FROM "T3" "T3","T2" "T2" WHERE
           "T2"."N1"=:B1 AND "T3"."N1"=8 AND "T2"."ID"="T3"."ID"))
5 - access("T2"."N1"=:B1)
6 - filter("T2"."ID"="T3"."ID")
7 - access("T3"."N1"=8)

The operations are carried out as follows:

  1. Operation 2 applies the access predicate "N1"=8 by scanning the I1 index.
  2. For each key returned by the previous scan, the subquery is executed once. Note that the subquery carries out a nested loop. While the outer loop accesses the T2 table, the inner loop accesses the T3 table.
  3. The first operation of the outer loop is operation 5. It applies the access predicate "T2"."N1"=:B1 by scanning the I2 index. Based on the rowid returned by the index access the T2 table is accessed (operation 4).
  4. For each row returned by the outer loop, the inner loop is executed once. The first operation of the inner loop is operation 7. It applies the access predicate "T3"."N1"=8 by scanning the I3 index. Based on the rowid returned by the index access the T3 table is accessed (operation 6) and the filter predicate "T2"."ID"="T3"."ID" (the join condition) is applied. By the way, it is interesting to notice that, contrary to the join condition is not applied as an access predicate, as it usually happens.
  5. If the subquery returns a row, the rowid returned by operation 2 can be used to access the T1 table (operation 1). The row extracted from this operation is sent to the caller.

All in all, this is a very special execution plan…

In summary, be careful when you see an index scan with a filter predicate applying a subquery. The execution plan might not be carried out as you expect at first sight. It is also essential to point out that in such a case the predicate information is essential to fully understand what’s going on.