The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter controls a bunch of features. In addition to the STATISTICS_LEVEL, also the V$STATISTICS_LEVEL view provides a list of the ones it controls.
SQL> SELECT statistics_name, description, activation_level 2 FROM v$statistics_level 3 ORDER BY 3 DESC, 1; STATISTICS_NAME DESCRIPTION ACTIVATION_LEVEL -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- Active Session History Monitors active session activity using MMNL TYPICAL Adaptive Thresholds Enabled Controls if Adaptive Thresholds should be enabled TYPICAL Automated Maintenance Tasks Controls if Automated Maintenance should be enabled TYPICAL Bind Data Capture Enables capture of bind values used by SQL statements TYPICAL Buffer Cache Advice Predicts the impact of different cache sizes on number of TYPICAL physical reads Global Cache Statistics RAC Buffer Cache statistics TYPICAL Longops Statistics Enables Longops Statistics TYPICAL MTTR Advice Predicts the impact of different MTTR settings on number of TYPICAL physical I/Os Modification Monitoring Enables modification monitoring TYPICAL PGA Advice Predicts the impact of different values of pga_aggregate_tar TYPICAL get on the performance of memory intensive SQL operators Plan Execution Sampling Enables plan lines sampling TYPICAL SQL Monitoring Controls if SQL Monitoring should be enabled TYPICAL Segment Level Statistics Enables gathering of segment access statistics TYPICAL Shared Pool Advice Predicts the impact of different values of shared_pool_size TYPICAL on elapsed parse time saved Streams Pool Advice Predicts impact on Streams perfomance of different Streams TYPICAL pool sizes Threshold-based Alerts Controls if Threshold-based Alerts should be enabled TYPICAL Time Model Events Enables Statics collection for time events TYPICAL Timed Statistics Enables gathering of timed statistics TYPICAL Ultrafast Latch Statistics Maintains statistics for ultrafast latches in the fast path TYPICAL Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up Transaction layer manageability features TYPICAL V$IOSTAT_* statistics Controls if I/O stats in v$iostat_ should be enabled TYPICAL Plan Execution Statistics Enables collection of plan execution statistics ALL Timed OS Statistics Enables gathering of timed operating system statistics ALL
Something that I learned only recently is that STATISTICS_LEVEL also controls cardinality feedback and adaptive cursor sharing. This fact, according to me, is neither (clearly) documented nor pointed out by the information provided by V$STATISTICS_LEVEL. In any case, when STATISTICS_LEVEL is set to BASIC at the system level both features are disabled. Interestingly, an ALTER SESSION SET STATISTICS_LEVEL = TYPICAL it is not enough to enable them… For adaptive cursor sharing it is possible to use the BIND_AWARE hint, though.
Note that I never advise to set STATISTICS_LEVEL at the system level to a value that is different from the default (TYPICAL). Probably for this reason I didn’t notice its impact for such a long time…
In any case I find it a bit disappointing that this information is not clearly stated somewhere. Or I’m the only one that was not aware?
I don’t think you are the only one. There is a lot of “black magic” around cardinality feedback, that is not documented.
Hi Chris,
that’s very interesting (and curious!), How did you find out (possibly by just experimenting)? What’s not clear to me from your post, is it just BASIC that disables those two, or do you need to set ALL to get them (I’d not worry about case 1 too much as we don’t have BASIC set on any dbs anyway)?
Also, I’d always thought about ALL as something you have to set to get the actual rows etc., but now I’ve stumbled about the timed os statistics – a quick search on the web seems to indicate that these, too, are not too well documented (what they are, how they are collected, what’s the impact etc) – or am I wrong here?
Best greetings
Hi Sigrid
> How did you find out (possibly by just experimenting)?
Somebody asked me during a class. I didn’t know the answer and, therefore, I did a test.
> is it just BASIC that disables those two
Yes, it’s just BASIC. By default (TYPICAL) the two features are enabled.
> or am I wrong here?
You are right. FWIW, I personally never used those statistics.
[…] disable it.” Technically, this is not a true statement. Although not recommended, setting the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter to BASIC will disable adaptive cursor sharing. Per Metalink (MOS) Doc ID 11657468.8, adaptive cursor […]
Dear Sir,
When are you planning to release the 11g updated version of TOP?
TOP covers 11.1. Since there are not sooooo many differences with 11.2, I would say that most of the content is relevant for 11.2 as well. That said, I am thinking about working on a second edition. But, if I do it, I will cover 12c as well. Hence, do not expect it before Q1 2013.
[…] OPT_ESTIMATE hint arguments come from other sources, which depend on STATISTICS_LEVEL: setting STATISTICS_LEVEL=BASIC on system level disables ACS and CF (as well as sql plan monitoring feature) – Christian Antognini Impact of STATISTICS_LEVEL on Cardinality Feedback and Adaptive Cursor Sharing […]
We just had an incident where having statistics_level=all was affecting rowsets. In other words, having statistics_level=all might result in queries returning wrong results (omitting rows). This is incredible to me. Anyway, this is bug 13004894 and it hasn’t been fixed yet in 11g r2.
Why did we have it set to ALL? Because when using TYPICAL the execution plans dont show actual number of rows which makes identifying incorrect cardinality estimations very difficult.
Hi Bob
This is a critical bug! I was not aware of it. Thank you very much for pointing it out.
[…] Аргументы OPT_ESTIMATE при этом берутся из отдельных источников (доступных в отсутствие данных в V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR), которые также, как и данные SQL Plan Monitoring зависят от значения парамера STATISTICS_LEVEL на уровне инстанса: STATISTICS_LEVEL=BASIC отключает BACS и CF — см. Christian Antognini Impact of STATISTICS_LEVEL on Cardinality Feedback and Adaptive Cursor Sharing […]
Hi Chris,
I found this blog when I started wondering why the optimizer does not use the info from statistics_level =ALL to supply cardinality feedback.
Apparently it does. :)
Though this blog is 9 years old, I still cannot find any substantive information about this