Even though in general parallel full table scans performs direct reads, some exceptions exist. The aim of this post is to show such an exception.

For test purposes I build in my own schema a copy of the SH.SALES table (the one distributed by Oracle with the demo schemas…). On that table I build an index on the TIME_ID column and, at the same time, I trace the execution. The statements I use are the following.

execute dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable
CREATE INDEX sales_time_id ON sales (time_id) PARALLEL 2 ONLINE;
execute dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable

Since the index is built in parallel (DOP=2), 5 processes are used to run the statement: the query coordinator, 2 slaves for reading the table, and 2 slaves for building the index. Based on the data provided by extended SQL trace let’s have a look to some information about the execution.

  • Execution plan (without runtime statistics and query optimizer estimations): both the build of the index and the full table scan are performed in parallel.
        PX RECEIVE
          PX SEND RANGE :TQ10000
  • Resource usage profile of the query coordinator: no real work is performed, it’s just coordination work…
                                               Total            Number of     Duration per
Component                               Duration [s]       %       Events       Events [s]
----------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------------ ----------------
PX Deq: Execute Reply                          1.928  79.044           44            0.044
recursive statements                           0.427  17.487          n/a              n/a
CPU                                            0.024   0.984          n/a              n/a
os thread startup                              0.017   0.690            1            0.017
log file sync                                  0.014   0.569            2            0.007
PX Deq: Parse Reply                            0.014   0.568            4            0.003
enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt               0.005   0.202            2            0.002
PX Deq: Join ACK                               0.004   0.145            5            0.001
SQL*Net message from client                    0.002   0.098            1            0.002
PX qref latch                                  0.002   0.075            1            0.002
PX Deq: Table Q qref                           0.001   0.058            1            0.001
enq: RO - fast object reuse                    0.001   0.028            1            0.001
PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT                         0.001   0.025            6            0.000
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats                    0.000   0.014            3            0.000
reliable message                               0.000   0.006            2            0.000
latch: call allocation                         0.000   0.004            1            0.000
db file sequential read                        0.000   0.004            6            0.000
rdbms ipc reply                                0.000   0.002            2            0.000
SQL*Net message to client                      0.000   0.000            1            0.000
----------------------------------- ---------------- -------
Total                                          2.439 100.000
  • Resource usage profile of one of the slaves building the index: direct writes are used to store the index.
                                               Total            Number of     Duration per
Component                               Duration [s]       %       Events       Events [s]
----------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------------ ----------------
direct path write                              0.982  49.671          376            0.003
CPU                                            0.781  39.508          n/a              n/a
PX Deq: Table Q Normal                         0.177   8.957          130            0.001
PX Deq: Execution Msg                          0.012   0.595            4            0.003
cursor: pin S wait on X                        0.011   0.535            1            0.011
recursive statements                           0.008   0.420          n/a              n/a
log file sync                                  0.005   0.247            3            0.002
Disk file operations I/O                       0.001   0.030            1            0.001
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats                    0.000   0.021            1            0.000
reliable message                               0.000   0.011            1            0.000
rdbms ipc reply                                0.000   0.006            2            0.000
----------------------------------- ---------------- -------
Total                                          1.977 100.000
  • Resource usage profile of one of the slaves scanning the table: instead of performing direct reads, “regular” buffered reads are performed (notice the db file scattered read event).
                                               Total            Number of     Duration per
Component                               Duration [s]       %       Events       Events [s]
----------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------------ ----------------
PX Deq: Execution Msg                          1.571  80.295           23            0.068
CPU                                            0.311  15.889          n/a              n/a
PX Deq Credit: need buffer                     0.055   2.794          432            0.000
db file scattered read                         0.016   0.835           55            0.000
PX Deq: Table Q Get Keys                       0.002   0.109            1            0.002
Disk file operations I/O                       0.001   0.032            1            0.001
PX Deq Credit: send blkd                       0.001   0.028            1            0.001
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats                    0.000   0.010            1            0.000
db file sequential read                        0.000   0.005            4            0.000
PX qref latch                                  0.000   0.002            1            0.000
latch: cache buffers chains                    0.000   0.000            1            0.000
----------------------------------- ---------------- -------
Total                                          1.957 100.000

As pointed out by the last resource usage profile no direct reads are performed. Why? In this case it is because the ONLINE option was specified. By the way, I do not know why there is such a limitation… Anway, without this option, for one of the slaves reading the table the following resource usage profile is used (notice the direct path read event). I do not show the other resource usage profiles and the execution plan because they do not change.

                                               Total            Number of     Duration per
Component                               Duration [s]       %       Events       Events [s]
----------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ------------ ----------------
PX Deq: Execution Msg                          1.499  80.358           22            0.068
CPU                                            0.278  14.897          n/a              n/a
PX Deq Credit: need buffer                     0.071   3.790          504            0.000
direct path read                               0.012   0.630           52            0.000
PX Deq Credit: send blkd                       0.003   0.176            2            0.002
PX Deq: Table Q Get Keys                       0.001   0.047            2            0.000
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats                    0.001   0.041            1            0.001
Disk file operations I/O                       0.001   0.033            1            0.001
library cache: mutex X                         0.000   0.025            1            0.000
db file sequential read                        0.000   0.002            2            0.000
asynch descriptor resize                       0.000   0.001           18            0.000
----------------------------------- ---------------- -------
Total                                          1.866 100.000

In summary, do not expect to always see direct reads when a parallel full table scan is performed.