According to the documentation the GET_COMPRESSION_RATIO procedure of the DBMS_COMPRESSION package can be used to assess the impact of different compression options for a given table. In other words, it allows us to find out the expected compression ratio for a given set of data without having to really create a compressed table. The question is: how good are the values it returns?

Before answering this question it is essential to point out two things. First, this package is available as of 11.2 only. Second, it can be used to find out (and compare) the expected compression ratio of OLTP compression as well as Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression (EHCC). Note that for getting values about EHCC it is not required to actually have access to an Exadata Storage Server. How is that possible?

To answer this second question, let’s describe how such an analysis is performed…

The following PL/SQL block shows how to start an analysis for all uncompressed tables of the current user.

  l_blkcnt_cmp       BINARY_INTEGER;
  l_blkcnt_uncmp     BINARY_INTEGER;
  l_row_cmp          BINARY_INTEGER;
  l_row_uncmp        BINARY_INTEGER;
  l_cmp_ratio        NUMBER;
  l_comptype_str     VARCHAR2(100);
  FOR i IN (SELECT table_name
            FROM user_tables
            WHERE compression = 'DISABLED'
            ORDER BY table_name)
    FOR j IN 1..5
        -- input parameters
        scratchtbsname   => 'SCRATCH',       -- scratch tablespace
        ownname          => user,            -- owner of the table
        tabname          => i.table_name,    -- table name
        partname         => NULL,            -- partition name
        comptype         => power(2,j),      -- compression algorithm
        -- output parameters
        blkcnt_cmp       => l_blkcnt_cmp,    -- number of compressed blocks
        blkcnt_uncmp     => l_blkcnt_uncmp,  -- number of uncompressed blocks
        row_cmp          => l_row_cmp,       -- number of rows in a compressed block
        row_uncmp        => l_row_uncmp,     -- number of rows in an uncompressed block
        cmp_ratio        => l_cmp_ratio,     -- compression ratio
        comptype_str     => l_comptype_str   -- compression type
      dbms_output.put_line(i.table_name||' - '||'type: '||l_comptype_str||' ratio: '||to_char(l_cmp_ratio,'99.999'));

As you can see the idea is that we provide to the package a table and, based on its data, the package estimates the compression ratio that can be achieved with the specified algorithm. Notice that as input parameter a scratch tablespace is also specified. This is necessary because the package, to estimate the output parameters, actually creates a compressed table. If you trace an execution you would see two CREATE TABLE statements.

  • The first one creates a scratch table based on a sample of the content of the input table (the sampling percentage is chosen based on the size of the table; simply put the sampling percentage is inversely proportional to the table size):
CREATE TABLE dbms_tabcomp_temp_uncmp
SELECT * FROM {table name} SAMPLE BLOCK( {sampling percentage} )
  • The second one creates another scratch table where the data is compressed according to the specified compression algorithm (in this case COMPRESS FOR QUERY HIGH):
CREATE TABLE dbms_tabcomp_temp_uncmp
SELECT * FROM dbms_tabcomp_temp_uncmp

In other words the estimations are based on data that is actually compressed. Not on some heuristics…

The essential thing to note is that the second CREATE TABLE statement cannot be directly executed without an Exadata Storage Server. In fact, if you try to run it, the database engine raises an ORA-64307 (hybrid columnar compression is only supported in tablespaces residing on Exadata storage). Based on that observation it is sensible to say that in the current implementation there is a software lock that prevents us from using EHCC without an Exadata Storage Server. But, as just described, that lock can be overridden by the DBMS_COMPRESSION package.

Now, back to the initial question: how good are the values it returns?

To answer this question I installed a TPC-H schema (scale factor 10) and compared the estimations of the package with the actual values. For that purpose I created one table with each type of compression.

  • The compression ratios based on the BLOCKS column of the USER_TABLES view are the following:
SQL> SELECT comp.table_name, round(uncomp.blocks/comp.blocks,3) AS ratio
  2  FROM user_tables comp, user_tables uncomp
  3  WHERE comp.compression = 'ENABLED'
  4  AND uncomp.compression = 'DISABLED'
  5  AND comp.table_name LIKE uncomp.table_name||'/_%' ESCAPE '/'
  6  ORDER BY uncomp.table_name, nullif(comp.compress_for,'OLTP') DESC;

TABLE_NAME                          RATIO
------------------------------ ----------
CUSTOMER_OLTP                       1.041
CUSTOMER_QUERY_LOW                  2.220
CUSTOMER_QUERY_HIGH                 3.708
CUSTOMER_ARCHIVE_LOW                3.837
CUSTOMER_ARCHIVE_HIGH               4.432
LINEITEM_OLTP                       1.487
LINEITEM_QUERY_LOW                  3.034
LINEITEM_QUERY_HIGH                 4.912
LINEITEM_ARCHIVE_LOW                5.144
LINEITEM_ARCHIVE_HIGH               6.704
ORDERS_OLTP                         1.149
ORDERS_QUERY_LOW                    2.887
ORDERS_QUERY_HIGH                   5.038
ORDERS_ARCHIVE_LOW                  5.305
ORDERS_ARCHIVE_HIGH                 6.704
PART_OLTP                           1.328
PART_QUERY_LOW                      3.307
PART_QUERY_HIGH                     6.718
PART_ARCHIVE_LOW                    7.296
PART_ARCHIVE_HIGH                  11.049
PARTSUPP_OLTP                       0.991
PARTSUPP_QUERY_LOW                  2.892
PARTSUPP_QUERY_HIGH                 5.428
PARTSUPP_ARCHIVE_LOW                5.659
PARTSUPP_ARCHIVE_HIGH               8.071
  • The output of the PL/SQL block shown above is the following (be careful that the order is slightly different):
CUSTOMER - type: "Compress For OLTP" ratio:   1.041
CUSTOMER - type: "Compress For Query High" ratio:   3.742
CUSTOMER - type: "Compress For Query Low" ratio:   2.228
CUSTOMER - type: "Compress For Archive High" ratio:   4.460
CUSTOMER - type: "Compress For Archive Low" ratio:   3.894
ORDERS - type: "Compress For OLTP" ratio:   1.149
ORDERS - type: "Compress For Query High" ratio:   5.048
ORDERS - type: "Compress For Query Low" ratio:   2.886
ORDERS - type: "Compress For Archive High" ratio:   6.651
ORDERS - type: "Compress For Archive Low" ratio:   5.325
PART - type: "Compress For OLTP" ratio:   1.328
PART - type: "Compress For Query High" ratio:   6.778
PART - type: "Compress For Query Low" ratio:   3.338
PART - type: "Compress For Archive High" ratio:  11.126
PART - type: "Compress For Archive Low" ratio:   7.343
PARTSUPP - type: "Compress For OLTP" ratio:    .990
PARTSUPP - type: "Compress For Query High" ratio:   5.451
PARTSUPP - type: "Compress For Query Low" ratio:   2.893
PARTSUPP - type: "Compress For Archive High" ratio:   8.051
PARTSUPP - type: "Compress For Archive Low" ratio:   5.657

By comparing the estimations with the actual values it is possible to say that the value returned by the DBMS_COMPRESSION package are very accurate. Having so accurate estimations is a good thing because you probably want to know how much space you can save before doing a major reorganization of large tables as well as before buying an Exadata Storage Server just to test how effective the compression of EHCC is.

You might ask why the second output does not provide information about the LINEITEM table. The problem is that the package was not able to process it. In fact, the following error was raised:

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at "SYS.PRVT_COMPRESSION", line 459
ORA-30562: SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100)
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_COMPRESSION", line 214
ORA-06512: at line 16

The problem is (probably) due to a rounding performed during the selection of the sampling percentage. In fact, for the LINEITEM table (which is the bigger one), the following CREATE TABLE statement was generated (notice that the sampling percentage is set to 0):

CREATE TABLE dbms_tabcomp_temp_uncmp
FROM lineitem SAMPLE BLOCK( 0)

I was not able to find a bug in MOS, but it is definitely one.